Novice Ragnarok Online - You Must Read This - Ragnarok Build

Novice Ragnarok Online - You Must Read This

Novice RO
( img source : )

Novice is the first profession at Ragnarok Online. A novice can change his profession if he has enough experience.

This profession does not yet have many special abilities, but it is important to learn the basic skills of playing everybody in Basic Skill in this game. They can rely on weapons in the form of knives and some types of swords.

After the New Payon patch, an improved training venue can increase the initial level of players coming into the world of RO around level 7 of level 1 when there has been no training.

In addition to learning basic skills, the profession is also capable of mastering two active abilities, First Aid, the ability to heal a little HP, and Play Dead are the ability to pretend to die so that the enemy stops attacking, but this ability will disappear after the player switch profession. Both of these abilities can only be learned after completing certain tasks.

When you finish creating a character in one of the slots/places, then you have to decide what your professional plan is forwards, thus, you can set the appropriate initial statistics. If you are a player that is

The first time I play, I recommend not choosing Archer or Merchant as a Profession, because you will have enough difficulty means, after you have chosen your name, color and hairstyle, set the statistics then you are ready to play.

You will start the game at Novice Training Center. Cross the bridge on your right (east), and enter the palace. Speak with Instructor in and just follow what is ordered. One of The instructor will ask you some trivia questions. If you are answered correctly will be given some items as a gift. After you finish training at the Training Center, you will get capital 100 zeny or 200 if you answered all the right questions.

After that, you will be moved in the city below based choice of Profession you want.

Alberta - Merchant

Geffen - Mage

Izlude - Swordsman

Morroc - Thief

Payon - Archer

Prontera - Acolyte

You can get around town when you want to, but I'm sure you want to try to start fighting with the existing monsters. If so, please get out of town and start fighting, you can use
mouse to click on the monster you want to fight, or use CTRL + Click left that causes your character to be keep attacking the monsters until the monster dies or your character who died, if you just started, I suggest to attack a red rounded monster named Poring, or Drops (which are yellow).

After some killing some monsters, you will level up, click the arrow that appears next to the screen corner and adds the statistics You are in accordance with the will, (preferably tailored to the profession which you will choose later.)

In Ragnarok Online there are 2 types of levels, namely base level, and job level. At the job level, you can specify the skill (special ability) that you can learn, in Novice only have one type of skill, that is Basic Skill, learn up to 9 basic skills by clicking the thumbnail (icon) (each level up will be given 1 point to be allocated into the addition of skills.

Every monster you defeat will drop items, the goods you can pick up and sell in stores in the city.
The recommended monsters for Novice (Level 1-10) are: Poring, Drops, Fabre / Chonchon, Lunatic and finally Willow. Around Level 7 you may try to fight Willow.

After reaching Level 9 on Job Level, you can decide to change the profession as you wish, in the cities mentioned above, usually every change of profession you will be given Quest (a specific task)
as a test, if you have completed the test, you will turn into the profession you choose.

Have a nice play!